Thursday, April 18, 2013

Encouraging creative play!

So Buttercup has been talking about her stuffed animals' birthdays! Actually, only to of them. One is a tiny dog she named Glancy. The other is a tiny unicorn named Magic. If you've been reading this blog you know that Magic was the recipient of that very cute cardboard house that Buttercup and Daddy made just for her.

Back to the story. Buttercup picked some of her toys and gift wrapped them for Glancy and Magic. I initially didn't pay too much attention , but Buttercup wouldn't let up.

Finally, this week, I told her we should throw them a party. Buttercup was thrilled. We picked a day when everyone would be home for the evening. Then we set out to plan a party.

Here's what we did:

  • We made handmade invitations for each member of the family
  • We "delivered" the invitations
  • We planned party games(pin the tail on the unicorn and bingo, with prizes)
  • We baked a cake
  • We printed out pictures of Glancy and Magic and used them to decorate the dinner table
  • We decorated the dining room with streamers

After dinner we played games and then sang happy birthday and had some cake.

At first, everyone thought we were silly. The resident teenager even mocked us and didn't want to participate. But once we got started everyone had fun, even the teenager. Go figure.

I wanted to tell you a little thing about me. I didn't play like this growing up. I don't really remember having a great imagination and creating fantasies like Buttercup does. We grew up running around barefoot outside with our friends. Parents didnt play with thir children and that was fine with us. We just wanted to be with our friends, it made sense that way. It was a different world then. Nowadays with scheduled play dates and danger lurking everywhere, parents need to do things differently. So I actively participate and even encourage Buttercup's games. Why not. She loves it. We're together. I am giving her memories to last a lifetime.

She won't remember me buying her lots of things, but she'll never forget Glancy and Magic's birthday party!

Dream. Imagine. Create