Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Power of Recycling

I consider myself very "green" conscious. I recycle, I use the right light bulbs, I don't use plastic bags at the supermarket, etc. I try to do my small part to help our beautiful Earth. As a mom, I find that teaching my kids to not be wasteful is very important. As a human being, I think we could always do more. Even if it's a little thing. Because those little things add up and will make a difference if we all do it.

I am constantly thinking of ways to improve our efforts here in our home. It's not always easy or convenient, but we try.

As a homeschool parent, I realized I could turn the idea of recycling and protecting Mother Earth into a lesson or lessons that we could do throughout the year. This video is a great starting point, because it shows how one small change can make a big difference. It helps for kids to see for themselves how much they can help, instead of just hearing a lecture from us "the parents".
Maybe this video can lead to a conversation of what else the kids can do that they think will help. I love it when kids come up with their own thoughts and solutions, because they don't think like adults. So they wind up coming up with such creative ideas.

How do you encourage your kids to help the environment?

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