Thursday, July 12, 2012

1st Grade Photography

Today, as the horrible heat broke a little bit, we decided to venture outside. It's sad to say, but we've been stuck inside during this summer because of the heat wave that has hit us over the last two weeks.

Well, we finally got a break. It was still 86 degrees outside, but way better than the 100 plus degrees we've been having to deal with.

Armed with a bottle of ice cold water and a digital camera, Buttercup and I went for a nice, long walk in our neighborhood. I encouraged her to take pictures of anything she found interesting. It was a way to keep her mind off the heat and focused on something fun.

So here are the photos from our walk!

The result of a storm a couple days ago.
My budding photographer!
Buttercup took all of these pix herself!
A crawly creature in our path.



Where ever you happen to be, I hope the weather is great and it allows you to enjoy the great outdoors. Do you also have a budding photographer in your family?

Happy Homeschooling Adventures!


  1. What a great idea. I may try this the next time I go for a walk with my son.

    1. Yes, definitely do. When you look at the pictures afterwards, you get to see a whole new perspective.

  2. Saw you on bloggy moms. I came to check you out. I am a former 1st grade teacher. Anyway, now following. Love for you to stop by and return the follow.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. These are great shots!! Love all the flowers :)

  4. I love some of the pictures I find on my camera after my kids have been taking photos with it! One daughter is especially into it. She'll turn the camera to get different angles. Glad to have found you through the Epic Mom hop! Newest follower. :)

    1. Thanks, Jillian! It's always interesting to see what kids take pictures of.

  5. Hello! Found you on Bloggy Moms and I'm a fellow homeschool mommy as well! Thanks for the great tips! I'd love for you to stop by my website -
    Have a blessed day! - Susan

  6. Oh I so do love seeing the world through a child's perspective!

    Following ya now from the Weekend Blog HOp. If you're up for a bit of a ride come join us as we ride the wave of life at it's a sweet kind of space for celebrating life, hiccups and all.


  7. Saw your link on the Monday Mom mingle, and had to check you out, because I homeschool too. The heat this summer has been unbelievable. I have been sending my kids out early in the day, for a breath of fresh air. Then we buckle back down in the ac. Have a wonderful day!=)

    1. Hi Barefoot Hippie Girl,

      We wait all winter for nice weather then can't enjoy it bc it's too hot.

  8. Looks like it was a lot of fun and very practical. You could even let her have her own photo gallery and invite some family over for her. She will be so great when she grows up! I am so glad I found your blog. Stopping by from Mom's mingle. I hope to see you at True Aim. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Hi! Just saw your blog on the mingle also. So excited to follow begin exploring your blog, as we decided to homeschool our girls also. My oldest is just 4 so I still have a lot of research to do. Thanks!

  10. Hi Kathy,

    This is the best time to start because at 4 learning is all about fun! Good luck with your research. Check out they have lots of ideas and free printables for all ages.

  11. Hi, coming over via the Monday Mingle bloghop! Lovely photos!

  12. That is such a cute idea i should get a super old camera and let them use that to take some pictures on their own... think I have a big bulky one that takes AA's lol.

    New follower via the Monday Mingle!!

    1. Hi Eschelle,

      That's a great idea! Disposable cameras are great too especially on vacation.
