Monday, September 3, 2012

Ideas to start off the School Year right!

As most of our kids head back to school or {home} school, I thought it would be the perfect time to share some ideas to help make this time go as smooth as possible. Some kids have fears or anxieties about going back to school. Others just don't want their summer to end. Whatever the reason, school must start and routines must be followed. Alarm clocks will ring, lunches have to be made and kids will be running to catch the bus. For home schooled kids, they will also have to get back into their routines, follow schedules and start new activities.

Here are some of the things we like to do around the time school starts back up again.

  • Start talking to your children about school a couple of weeks before it actually starts. Getting them emotionally prepared for school is as important as having their school supplies in order.
  • Plan a special outing or activity for the day before school starts. Don't do anything that runs late because you'll want to get them to bed early.
  • Ask the kids to help you come up with lunch ideas. This will make them feel part of the decision making process.
  • Ask them to make a list of the things they are looking forward to in the new school year. This will get them thinking positively about school instead of dreading it.
  • On the first day of school (or the first few days) send them a note in their backpack or lunchbox.
  • Make a special back to school dinner of their favorite foods.
  • Don't forget to take their picture on the first day (do this again on the last day of school). It's remarkable how kids change from September to June. This one is more for you than your kids!
  • For homeschooled kids, talk to them about the upcoming year and get their input on what they'd like to learn. (In our house, this is an ongoing process throughout the school year)
  • Whether your kids are homeschooled or not, take them fall clothes shopping. They'll most likely need new clothes either way. If they attend school, let them pick out their first day clothes. (Pick them out the night before to avoid that stress early in the morning.
  • Wake up your kids a little earlier than usual and have a special breakfast together.
  • Talk about all the fun and exciting things that will happen this school year (new teacher, band, sports, music)
Wherever your kids attend school, make sure they are excited about learning, making new friends, and exploring new things.

Happy Homeschooling Adventures!


  1. I love how you tailor this post to either children who are homeschooled or who attend traditional school -- all great advice! My kids love to go back to school clothes shopping - even if it's just at the consignment store - it still makes their first week of school feel more special!

    1. Hi Mary,

      Yeah, it was really important to me to address homeschooled and traditional schooled children because even though homeschooled kids don't actually go back to school, they do have to return to a routine of some sort and may experience some of the same jitters.

      I agree that clothes shopping is my kids' favorite ritual too.

  2. these are great ideas! We do a special breakfast, and a special afternoon treat - oooh, fall clothing shopping is something my kids would hate right now, lol (2 boys and a little girl :D). But the do love getting fun new school stuff! Visiting from TOp Ten Tuesday

    1. Hi MomLaur,

      I have two girls and one loves to shop, the other hates it. And with boys I can only imagine they'd like to stay as far away from a mall as possible.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

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